About HQICKEY.com Website

HQICKEY.com is belong to HQICKEY International Co., Limited- Your Integrated circuit electronic components supplier.
We are one of the fastest growing distributors of Electronic Components product, services to industrial and commercial users of electronic components and enterprise computing solutions.

HQICKEY with electronics manufacturers from across the globe to offer a diverse and powerful range of products. Offering included Integrated Circuits (ICs) Semiconductors, IGBTs/FETs Modules, Memory, Diode,Transistor triode, Rectifiers and other Electronic Components. Our selection of products from hundreds of world-class manufacturers is designed to get you the technology you need to fuel your design.

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HQIC Professional Distribution

HQIC serves as a supply channel partner with original electronics manufacturers through a global network serving Eiectronic Components new original.

Profesional disributon ICs band: ILINX,ALTERA,VISHAYIR, NXP, ON SemiconduHO, INFINEON,ST,Ns, Mirsemi, Texas Instuments,Laice, roadcm, ATMEL CYPRESs, icrochip

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We provides specialized Electronic Components and expertise across the product lifecycle. YIC does this by connecting customers to the right technology at the right place at the right time and at the right price.

We provides extraordinary value to customers and suppliers - the best electronics componens distributors companies in the world - and connects them through the company's industry-leading services.

The Components application in Audio, Automotive, Broadcast, Communications, Computing, Industrial, Instrumentation, Lighting, Medical, Motor Control, Security.

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